Dedicated To Your Health
& Well-being
Through the decades, our clinic has grown and expanded in many ways to include services that not only treat physical ailments but also mental and emotional concerns as well. We work closely with local physicians, therapists, MD’s and surgeons to cohesively treat patients and combine the knowledge and power of both Eastern and Western medicine. It is our duty as physicians to the patient to provide the best care which may include multiple modalities and treatments. We believe this is why we are so successful in the community and with our patients.
Acupuncture in Tarpon Springs
About White Crane Clinic
We have been in Tarpon Springs for over 30 years and have been incredibly blessed to have been accepted and active in the community. Whether it’s through community art workshops, educational lectures given, or the local festivals downtown, we are always to be found sharing our love for holistic medicine and promoting health and wellbeing. Our true passion is patient education and we feel that knowledge is power. By educating the community about health care and alternative options, we not only provide lifesaving information but an awareness of the options that many aren’t aware exist for them.